Saturday, March 8, 2014

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Please go and Follow/Add my pages on Facebook. This blog is just beginning and I do not plan on working it till I have full grasp of topics. This Blog will be in full force by the end of this coming week! We are gonna hit the blogsphere with a BANG!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Break The Silence

Remember to ALWAYS speak out if you know or have a feeling Domestic Violence is happening to someone. In order to break the silence we must stand together as one and raise our voices whenever we can possible!


This blog is strictly about breaking the cycle of Domestic Violence. What is Domestic Violence you ask? They're are many different definitions to DV. Mainly it is behaviors dealt by one person in a relationship that tries to control every aspect of the relationship. They're are many different types of violence's within a relationship. There is sexual violence (rape, sexual harassment), physical violence, and emotional violence. Domestic Violence affects 1-4 women and 1-33 men world wide. It is an on going cycle that needs to be broken! Together we can BREAK THE CYCLE! We need to stand together in order to STOP THE VIOLENCE