Monday, June 16, 2014

5 types Of Domestic Violence


Physical Abuse: The use of physical force against another person in a way that ends up injuring the person, or puts the person at risk of being injured.

-Does your partner push, hit or choke you?
-Does your partner threaten to hurt you with a weapon?
-Non-consensual rough play (i.e. martial arts, MMA, self-defense techniques.)
-Abuse that results in lacerations, broken bones, internal injuries, or miscarriage

Emotional Abuse: Can be verbal or nonverbal.

-Does your partner continually criticize you, call you names?
-Does your partner make all decisions for you?
-Humiliating partners in private or public
-Taking car keys, cell phone, or other means of communication away

Financial Abuse: May include withholding resources, stealing from the victim, or using the victims name to cause debt.

-Does your partner force you to work, or refuse to let you work?
-Do you feel financially dependent on your partner?
-Having all bank accounts in the abuser’s name
-Assigning an allowance (often very small or unrealistic cost of living)

Sexual Abuse is often linked to physical abuse; they may occur together, or the sexual abuse may occur after a bout of physical abuse
-Does your partner minimize the importance of your feelings about sex?
-Does your partner force unwanted sex acts?
-Birth control sabotage
-Forcing a partner to become a sex worker or prostitute

Spiritual Abuse: Is anything that comes in the way of you doing something or feeling good about yourself.
-Does your partner not allow you to practice your morals/religious beliefs or culture/values?
-Do you feel that you have given up things that are important you?

If You or anyone you know are going through any of these, Call The National Domestic Violence Helpline1-800-799-7233

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